Full fibre- the life force Britain needs right now

Full fibre- the life force Britain needs right now

Whilst lockdown restrictions are being lifted across the UK, the economic fallout of the health crisis remains. When newly elected Prime Minister, Boris enthusiastically promised “fantastic full fibre broadband” by 2025. His goal was to “unite our country and society”. As we decipher what the 'new normal' really means the future, this government pledge has never been so urgent. Are digital services key in resuscitating the economy?

Commercially as well as socially, the internet took on new meanings during the peak of Covid-19. In fact, many brits have posed the question- is working from home now the legacy of lockdown? With millions doing it like never before, including education sectors and health services, we have seen the internet become intrinsic to every generation across every industry. 

In short, efficient connectivity is vital in a post Covid-19 landscape, for both society and the economy. For Britain, the overriding issue with this is that most of the UK are still reliant on copper based networks, therefore susceptible to unreliable and flagging connections. Furthermore, for those rural regions of the UK still left in the digital dark age, this presents huge areas of missed economic opportunity.

Greg Mesch, Chief Executive for CityFibre, plans to “accelerate our full fibre rollouts to eight million homes across the country” to provide “fit for purpose” digital connectivity to all. This will be essential for Britain's present economic recovery as well as securing a seat at the table globally.